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The Classic Inca Trail includes hiking across Andean elevations in all its 4 days! This is one of the reasons which ranks it among the best in the world! On this article we tell about the required fitness level so you will be ready for a great trekking time!

It may be the case that you are not sure about having the proper fitness state for the Classic Inca Trail. Don’t worry! Next we’ll list the guidelines for getting you in good shape and make a dream vacation hiking the Andes comes true.

You must do previous training in your country 

Everything would be good: walking, jogging, going to the gym, doing exercise at home and so on. But the real deal is doing simulations of the trail: find a countryside area with much rocky terrain if possible, uneven and with both uphill and downhill sections (ideally), wear the clothing you’re going to use for the Inca Trail (particularly the same hiking boots) and also bring a backpack with the same weight you’re going to carry for the hike. 6 or 7 hours of hiking 2 or 3 times will be enough. The goal is to get the stamina right, the cardiovascular system in proper performance and also very important, get the mind ready to this long-distance effort.


Prepare yourself making walks using the implements you will take on the Inca trail.

Learn more about Preparation for the inca trail


It is strongly recommended you arrive in Cusco City (3.400 meters above sea level) 2 or 3 days before going to the Classic Inca Trail, so your body will begin adjusting to oxygen scarcity. A very good, traditional help used in the Andes is drinking coca leaves tea, it gives you a lot of energy and resistance, fights altitude symptoms quite well. Drinking plenty of water is a must (bottled, no gas).

Of course, alcohol and smoking are really discouraged, they will weaken your body and reduce oxygen. Include some good protein in your meals, like fish, quinua or maca (also very good for preventing physical weakness). There are many interesting things to do in Cusco City while acclimatizing.


The best way to combat the symptoms of altitude is to drink a coca tea.

Hiking Tips

Using a trekking pole is utterly advised, because it helps a lot with balance, gives extra traction when going uphill and holds the body upright when going downhill, all of which saves a lot of energy. We have them for rent. Remember, you can hike on your own pace, the idea is completely enjoying the wonderful trek, relax and fill oneself with the strong natural energy of the paths. Keeping a regular, normal speed will be enough.

There are also reposing spots for everybody, where you can reload for keep going, get totally rid of some stress if necessary. Whenever feeling tired, take some time to rest on your own, one of our guides will wait and bring you back, together with the group. As is the use in the Andes, drinking coca leaves tea along the paths will always be of great help, you can bring some and also we provide it for free at nights on the campsites.


These trekking poles are a fundamental piece in this adventure.


Not everybody will need it, but you may want to bring altitude pills, they can be found anywhere in Cusco City. These pills have substances which fight elevation symptoms (but coca leaves tea does exactly the same), however, some people will still need them. Vitamins, energy supplements are useful too (although quinua and maca are natural and just as good). The whole idea of fitness when someone is hiking on altitudes is to prevent or solve the weakening caused by lack of oxygen and also getting the stamina to a good level.

In the end though, a regular, standard fitness level will be enough to really enjoy and complete the trek (it finishes at the Inti Punku or Sun Gate, the old entrance to Machu Picchu) and be ok for the Machu Picchu tour afterwards. Don’t forget there is the chance to visit the thermal baths in Aguas Calientes on afternoon day 4, thus getting a good, well-deserved rest after the effort. You can even order a drink taken to your pool to celebrate!


After all the effort your best reward is this beautiful landscape – Machu Picchu.

Please remember this Classic hike is the most wanted in Peru, so our advice is start booking it the earliest possible. On this website we have a permits calendar updated in real time, plus all information you may want to know about the Inca Trail.

It’s not hard to reach the right fitness level for the Classic Inca Trail! If you need, do it the soonest and book this top Andean trekking package!